Saturday, December 22, 2007

Amazing Find: White Nationalist Don Black donated to Reagan in 1980?!?

Yes, it's true.
It took me about 15 minutes of journalistic research to find something that will put
Presidential candidate one step closer to Ronald Reagan.

Don Black, known white nationalist and owner of has been in the news a lot lately. I did a quick search for his name on


Yes, it shows that he has donated $500 to Ron Paul, but scroll down...
A Mr. and Mrs. Don Black from Midland Texas donated $500 each to Ronald Reagan in 1980.

Now I did some homework and did a quick search on google "Don Black midland texas".
It came up with this as one of the links:

Here is what one blogger on the thread "Empire Knights - Midland Texas" wrote:

"I do though, commend him for mentioning that too many klans have aligned themselves with the nazi's. That's why I left the KKKK in 1980 when Don Black took it over, as he had done just that.Also, when I spoke to Richard at I gave him the names of other prominent klansmen, so he could put them on his list of prominent klansmen. 1 name I gave him was U.S. Sen. Robert Byrd. Richard said he never heard of Sen. Byrd and nobody else had either. That's odd, since Senator Byrd has been in the news every week of every year, for the past 5 decades and was once 3rd in succession to President Reagan."

What does this mean?

If Ron Paul is a racist because he isn't giving money back to Don Black, then Reagan was twice the racist Ron Paul was...
Or, maybe the media is making a blatant attack on Ron Paul.

Oh, and my parents are Jewish and I think White Nationalists are pricks.
I think they are wrong in thinking.
I believe All men and women are created equal of ALL colors and religions.
I am voting for Ron Paul

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